Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh Translated into Kurdish

11:18 - November 21, 2016
News ID: 3461479
TEHRAN (IQNA) – The Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh was translated into the Kurdish language and published in Erzurum, Turkey.

Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh Translated into Kurdish

According to the website of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), the Iranian cultural house in the city has cooperated in publishing the book.

Seyed Ali Hosseini Al-Bouti has rendered the book into Kurdish and Ihsan publications has published it in 1000 copies.

The Kurdish version has 298 pages, according to the report.

Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh is a collection of 54 supplications of Imam Sajjad (AS), the fourth Shia Imam.

It is known as the Zabur of Al-e Muhammad (AS) and contains themes varying from theology to ethics, prayers and the status of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS).

Kurdish is an Indo-European language spoken by Kurds in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria.

Tags: iqna ، sahifeh ، sajjadiyeh ، kurdish